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About Me

Hey, there! I'm DerpyMcDerpell, "Master of the Derpy Dimension", and welcome to my website! Here, you can explore numerous blogs with quality writing. Many blogs have visuals as well, to make them more colourful! But that's beside the point—I'm a developer on Roblox and a writer; I am aiming to become an author after my education. Right now, I'm attending my first year at high school (I'm thirteen—people in my area typically just jump from elementary, which is grades kindergarten to grade seven, to high school, being grade eight to twelve). I am doing one elective (that's all grade eights can do), which is band/music. I am currently also in honours science, math, English, and social studies—sadly, they don't offer honours for French; they do, however, have French emersion, but I'm not good enough, obviously (je suis d'accord)! So that's my education for you.


A lot of people assume, immediately, that I am one hundred percent an academic nerd. Maybe it's true, but I do like music of certain types. I'm not really into any music with lyrics (particularly pop and rock—it's only my opinion, though; I won't tell you to throw your opinion away). I play the trombone and recorder. I wish to learn the piano and violin some time, however.


As you can assume, I have a great passion for writing and I believe in the importance of learning to read—to me, learning a language is the most crucial subject a person can learn, whether a future author, lawyer, cashier...anything! You need these skills to communicate with others, and it's healthy to talk to people, too: Humans are naturally social animals. It's strange how we forget we're animals, isn't it?


As for developing? I can do extremely basic coding, or as you may call it, scripting, as well as building. Additionally, I can animate and do some UIs, which I can't say I'm a master with, but I think I'm pretty good. I also can come up with fresh, original, and, in my least humble opinion, very imaginative/creative ideas. I'll be honest, now. If I don't feel dedicated to a project, I'll likely take a few days break before being inspired enough to start working again. At the moment, I am writing a novel titled The Run. I am then going to be the lead developer of a game based on my novel—with some mature content altered, of course, to be appropriate for Roblox.


I hope you enjoy this website, your day, and anything else that would be considered legal with no loopholes. Goodbye!

Abandoned and Demolished [2]
Clouds [2]
Abandoned and Demolished [3]
Smooth Terrain Planet [1]
Clouds [1]
Abandoned and Demolished [1]
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