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Game Review: ROBLOX Deathrun ๐Ÿƒ

Bonjour, Derplings, and welcome to another article about an exciting game, ROBLOX Deathrun ๐Ÿƒ by Team Deathrun developers Wsly, Zomebody, AntEverything, Sofloann, Crykee, xXDJducklingXx, NWSpacek, KyleAllenMusic, WafflemanXx, maplestick, RaverKiller, and Velibor! If you like obbies (obstacle courses), then you'll like thisโ€”but this one has quite a particular, unique twist! Currently, the game has over one hundred thousand eight likes, and only fifteen thousand dislikes! That's approximately (according to my math) a whopping eighty-eight approval rating! (To be honest, I expected more, but there's always ways to get more likes.) Additionally, there are over three hundred thirty-one thousand favourites. Wow! Want to guess how many visits there are? There are over forty-two million visits. You have to give them that.

If you haven't tried the game yet, let me tell you what it's about: The game, as I mentioned before, is an obbyโ€“type gameโ€”jump and run to get to the end. But, as I also mentioned before, it has a twist. There are the Runners and the Killer. Hence the name, there is death. Your job is to ultimately avoid it, no matter what side you're on. As a runner, your job (with your fellow Runners) is to get (or help others get) to the end and slay the Killer with your weapon of choice. With traps scattered around every corner, you'll need to trick the Killer into triggering them. A popular way is to either run/jump towards the trap and get back before touching it, or touch it briefly and get the heck out of there! And don't think you'll get away with simply just standing there, or you'll be snatched up by the hand!

A lot of people get veryโ€”including meโ€”when they get to control what's happening; you would have to be a Killer. Whether you're a Killer or Runner is randomly chosen. I believe everyone has an equal chance of being a Killer/Runner. The Killer's job is, well, to kill! Most likely, very few people will die without the Killer being aroundโ€”so make it hard for the Runners! The Killer is separate from the pathโ€”(s)he gets her/his cosy trap-free path of his/her own. Here, they can smash down their hands on buttons, in attempt to bring death upon the victims. If the Killer does not succeed and a Runner gets to the end, the Runner's second task begins: They must slaughter the Killer. Basically, the Killer murders to survive.

There's also a beautiful lobby, where, while you're waiting to play another addictive, exciting round of Deathrun, you can shop for lots of cool items! There are different weapons, and also nicely-done trails to follow you around, making you look quite a bit impressive! The lobby features some shops, a small cave with some creepy "fortune teller", a beautiful bunch of trees and grass, a DJ (who doesn't seem to do anything), some nice benches, and much more! Sometimes, exploring the lobby is a little fun, too!

Still haven't played yet? What's wrong with you? Try Roblox Deathrun now! Did I mention the game's predecessor has won the Bloxy Awards before? Go on, now. You must try it! Play it here!

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I've only been a member of Roblox for a while, but ever since I joined, I wanted to be involved. I am DerpyMcDerpell, bringing the latest news to you, for free!


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© 2016 by DerpyMcDerpell (you shall not know my true name!). I made it with; it was easy, you should try it! I do not own RลŒBLOX, as RลŒBLOX is owned by the Roblox Corporation ©.

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