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Weightlifting Simulator Owner Possibly a Scammer

Weightlifting Simulator has been very popular recently and has gained positive reviews. It is a "clicker" game, meaning the main focus is to click rapidly as many times as possible and as fast as possible. By doing this, the strength of the player increases gradually which enables them to fight other players. The more strong a player gets, the more they grow. Recently, however, trailer creator "YT_REEL" claims that he was scammed by the game owner, "Avectus".

Reel Tweets about being scammed by Avectus

My sources tell me that the game has made over ten million Robux, an incredible feat. If Reel is telling the truth, Avectus owes, as shown in the above picture, twenty thousand Robux to Reel. It can be assumed Avectus legitimately liked the video—as seen above, he called it "awesome and halarious"; he also uploaded it to the game as a video which would be played once the player goes to the game's page. The amount of Robux Avectus presumably promised Reel would be less than zero point two percent of the game's earnings.

The main source of clues supporting Reel is the fact that Avectus recently removed the trailer from the game's page, likely as an attempt to say he did not truly like the trailer after all, thus why he did not pay him, but the truth in that is likely not existent. Additionally, Avectus has not directly addressed the issue on Twitter, his seemingly main source of information regarding the game. It is unknown if he has anywhere else, though it is likely he is completely ignoring the topic. Other developers in the group have not said anything about the topic as well.

The issue has not yet been confirmed but will likely start some drama. Roblox has not found out about the problem or is currently ignoring it. It is unlikely Roblox will later address the topic, but it has gained the attention of a few famous developers, such as Ultraw, who sides with Reel. As seen below, he directly accuses him of being a scammer. Additionally, Ultraw says he will attempt to notify Roblox and get them to remove Avectus' ability to trade Robux for real-life money, resulting in Avectus not making any money from making games.

Ultraw accuses Avectus

Ultraw discussed the scam with Ezok, another famous developer. They both agreed Avectus should be severely punished. Ezok claims that the game has stolen assets; recent research suggests the assets may have been stolen from "God Simulator"; he also claims Avectus participates in black marketing. The conversation can be seen below.

What do you make of this situation? Whose side are you on?—or have you even decided yet? Let's discuss it in the forums, and be sure to post your opinion in the comment section below! Have a great day!

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